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‘Help Us Find Us’: Black and Missing Foundation

‘Help Us Find Us’: Black and Missing Foundation

The statistics illuminating the crisis of missing Black adults and children haven’t always made the news cycle. The Black and Missing Foundation is changing that through publishing resources, creating awareness campaigns, and building a platform for advocacy.

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Secondary Victimization: ‘No Justice Served’

Secondary Victimization: ‘No Justice Served’

The criminal justice system is full of obstacles, particularly for crime survivors, leaving them further traumatized by the police and court. Studies show this leads to a loss of faith and confidence in the system designed to protect. If faith is lost, survivors may feel like they have no where to turn.

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Napping Peacefully One Minute, 2 People Vanished the Next

Napping Peacefully One Minute, 2 People Vanished the Next

Both Diamond Bynum and King Walker were together at the Bynum family home when, after a short early-afternoon nap, the pair slipped out of the house without their caretaker knowing. Within an hour of being gone, the police began investigating. Multiple eyewitness accounts place Diamond and King across Gary — but are any of the sightings viable?

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‘Marsy’s Law Protects Victims’ Rights’: Criminologist

‘Marsy’s Law Protects Victims’ Rights’: Criminologist

Can you recite the rights the U.S. Constitution affords to crime victims during the criminal justice process? If you said, “No, because there are none,” you would be correct. Now, in an attempt to give victims and survivors a greater voice in the legal system, Marsy’s Law is creating protections precedents.

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Luminol: Illuminating Crime Scene Evidence

Luminol: Illuminating Crime Scene Evidence

If you’ve watched crime dramas, you’ve seen investigators use a chemical spray to coat a darkened crime scene. This is luminol — a spray that glows with a blueish color when it comes into contact with blood. Sounds like magic, right? But we know that’s not the case. So, what exactly is luminol, and how does it work?

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How to Report Someone as Missing

How to Report Someone as Missing

If you believe a loved one has gone missing, this is a resource to help you determine the next steps and the best course of action. Learn more about who to call, what to share with police, and additional questions to ask.

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Victimology: What is it?

Victimology: What is it?

Many have long studied crime and criminals, but it wasn’t until recently that researchers started taking a closer look at the victim. Learn more about the study’s history, the old lens of the victim’s role, and the latest multi-faceted perspective.

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