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Wendy Marie Dehoop

A woman is dropped off for work by her husband and she never returns

  • Last updated: June 1, 2022
  • Eugene, OR
  • April 22, 2005

Overview of Wendy Marie Dehoop

Wendy Dehoop dropped her husband, Dan Dehoop, at the Home Depot at 7:00 the morning of April 22, 2005. She was headed to her own job at the Georgia-Pacific plant in Halsey, OR. She never arrived. Dehoop was reported missing that day by her boss and a friend, David Tishim, referred to as her boyfriend in some articles. Six days later, a man walking his dog found Dehoop's purse and turned it into a nearby BiMart. There was no wallet in the purse. Four days after her purse was found, the same man directed the local police to Dehoop's abandoned car. According to reports, there was nothing of note located in the car. Nor did it reveal any signs of violence or foul play. When contacted in April of 2021, a detective sergeant reported the case is still active and a suspect has been identified. It is the position of the sheriff's office Dehoop is deceased, but the case cannot move forward until her remains have been found.


  1. Date Missing:April 22, 2005
  2. Birthday:November 5, 1960
  3. Current Age:63
  4. Age at Incident:44
  5. NAMUS Number:MP875

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