Overview of Oakley McKee
Oakley Ivan McKee was last seen in Wayne, WV.
Unfortunately, there is hardly any information available in Oakley’s case. All that has been made available is that he was last seen in Wayne, WV sometime at the end of June of 1992. He has not been seen or heard from since.
Where the case stands today.
This year marked 30 years since Oakley was last seen in Wayne, WV. There has not been any updates released by news outlets or authorities, making it seem as though his case has gone completely cold and is no longer being actively investigated.
At the time of his disappearance in 1992, Oakley was described as a 69 year old caucasian man with gray hair and blue eyes. He was between 5’8”-5’10” tall and weighed approximately 140-145 lbs. Oakley used a walker to get around at the time of his disappearance. If you have any information regarding Oakley's disappearance or his whereabouts, please contact the West Virginia State Police at (304) 272-5131.