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What happened to Micky Colman in January of 1999?
Our cold case database is in danger of no longer being maintained.
Unfortunately, there are very few details available in Micky’s case. All we know is that Micky was last seen in Jackson, MS on January 7, 1999. She has not been seen or heard from since.
Today, Micky has remained missing for more than 22 years with no clues as to what happened to her or where she went. Unfortunately, the lack of reporting in her case leaves us with more questions than answers as to the truth in her disappearance.
At the time of her disappearance in 1999, Micky was described as a 26 year old African-American woman with black hair and brown eyes. She was 5’5” tall and weighed approximately 120 lbs. Micky has her name "Micky" tattooed on one of her arms and has another tattoo on one of her legs.
If you have any information regarding Micky's disappearance or her whereabouts, please contact the Leake County Sheriff's Office at (601) 267-7361.
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