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Kenneth Show Jr.


The missing person was last seen at 2330 Hrs. on 02/12/2008. He was near the laundromat on E. Second St. He would usually visit his ex girlfriend and the mother of his children at 711 E. 2nd. St. He did so and he told her that he was meeting his boss at mi...

  • Last updated: April 6, 2020
  • Oil City, PA
  • February 12, 2008

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Overview of Kenneth Show Jr.

The missing person was last seen at 2330 Hrs. on 02/12/2008. He was near the laundromat on E. Second St. He would usually visit his ex girlfriend and the mother of his children at 711 E. 2nd. St. He did so and he told her that he was meeting his boss at midnight to take a trip to Maryland for a job. The boss did not see him nor did he show up for work in Md. Mr. Show left his laundry bags at his ex girlfriend's house and said that he would be back to pick them up later. She said that he did not show back up. Mr. Show was to walk across the train bridge that crosses the Allegheny river. (Information retrieved from NamUs.gov)


  1. Date Missing:February 12, 2008
  2. Age at Incident:33
  3. NAMUS Number:MP19197
  4. Race:White / Caucasian
  5. Gender:Male
  6. Height:70
  7. Weight:145
  8. Hair Color:Brown
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