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Frances Sessions

Do you know what happened to Frances Sessions?

  • Last updated: March 1, 2023
  • Ogden, UT
  • May 20, 1946

Overview of Frances Sessions

On 5/20/1946, Frances Taylor (Shurtleff) Sessions, her son, and her nephew, were visiting Frances’ father who was farming in the 100 Block above Harrison in Ogden, Utah. At approximately 2:00 p.m. Frances and the two boys went on a hike straight east from the farm to Bear Cave. As they were hiking, they got into loose shale and began sliding. Frances, who was sliding herself tried to grab the boys but was unable and the boys fell over some cliffs. Frances was able to carry her son down the mountain but he died while she was carrying him. The other boy was able to walk part of the way down where he was picked up by Frances'

Her nephew was taken to the hospital and survived. At 4:00 p.m., two hours after her 6-year-old son passed, Frances disappeared from her parent’s home. A missing person report was made reporting she left her father’s home in Ogden. The Ogden Police investigators pursued numerous leads across the United States, but Frances has never been located and remains a missing person.


  1. Date Missing:May 20, 1946
  2. Birthday:January 9, 1920
  3. Current Age:105
  4. Age at Incident:26
  5. NAMUS Number:MP89538
  6. Race:White / Caucasian
  7. Gender:Female
  8. Height:5' 3"
  9. Weight:97 lbs
  10. Hair Color:Blond/Strawberry
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