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Dwayne Atkins


A 28 year old father of two is found murdered in his New Orleans, LA home

  • Last updated: December 13, 2022
  • New Orleans, LA
  • August 20, 2011

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Overview of Dwayne Atkins

Dwayne Atkins was a 28 year old father of two living in New Orleans, LA in 2011.

Dwayne was born and raised in New Orleans, LA. He graduated from Walter L. Cohen High School and was working temp jobs with his mother and her husband at the time of his death. Dwayne was the CEO of his own music production company, Beast Mode LLC, which he started in January of 2010. Dwayne loved taking his oldest son to football and basketball practice.

Dwayne did have a criminal history. He had previously served time for cocaine possession and he had been indicted on second-degree murder charges, but they were later dropped. According to Dwayne’s mother, Leta, he was turning his life around. He was no longer involved in drugs or violence and was focusing more on his family and company.

"He was a good son that loved his family." Leta Atkins, Dwayne’s mother.

Dwayne was shot to death in his home in August of 2011.

On August 20, 2011, Dwayne was shot several times in his New Orleans, LA home. When authorities arrived, Dwayne was pronounced deceased, with several gunshot wounds to his face, neck, back, and chest.

Where the case stands today.

Dwayne’s case has gone unsolved for more than 11 years. His mother, Leta, notes in interviews that he did have enemies from his past when he was criminally involved, specifically that some of his former acquaintances were unwilling to allow Dwayne to leave the lifestyle easily. Regardless, Dwayne and his family deserve justice.

"He did have enemies. He was trying to do the right thing and change his lifestyle." - Leta Atkins, Dwayne’s mother.

If you have any information regarding Dwayne's murder, please contact Crime Stoppers of Greater New Orleans at (504) 822-1111 or submit your tip through their online tip form.


  1. Date Found:August 20, 2011
  2. Date of Death:August 20, 2011
  3. Age at Incident:28
  4. Race:African-American / Black
  5. Gender:Male

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