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Charlie "Jay" McCord


A 35 year old father and Army veteran is shot at his Montgomery, AL barber shop

  • Last updated: February 16, 2024
  • Montgomery, AL
  • October 14, 2014

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Overview of Charlie "Jay" McCord

Charlie “Jay” McCord was a hardworking family man, a U.S. Army veteran, and a beloved father of eight.

Charlie always made sure to give back to his community, while also doing everything in his power to take care of his eight children. Charlie was a U.S. Army veteran, who worked in helicopter maintenance while actively serving his country. From statements given by Charlie's friends and family members, it's clear that Charlie had a genuine care for both those he cared about and for strangers. In the years prior to his death, Charlie opened and ran his own barber shop that he called 'Mr. Barber Man.

"Charlie, 'TuTu' as others & myself call him, was a great person; father; son, brother, and friend. He kept a smile on his face and touched everyone he came in contact with. He loved his kids and family. He was a hard worker so he could provide for them. He loved kids; He did a back-to-school special so kids would not feel left out going back to school without a haircut; most of them got their hair cut for free; that was the type of person he was. He checked on his mom & children daily. He went to school events and all. He didn't bother anyone and stayed to himself. He just wanted to see his kids grow up, take care of his family, and give back to the community." - Debbie Miller, Charlie’s friend.
Charlie "Jay" McCord
"He was a member of the service. He served his country when he had to. He had his kids and he went out and got a business and cut hair every day to try to take care of his kids. He loved his family. We're a close-knit family. There is nothing that he wouldn't do for anybody. He struggled and he got the money to get the shop and every day, including Sundays, we went to work. If somebody needed a haircut, if they called him, he would open up the shop and cut their hair. If they didn't have money to pay for a haircut, he would still cut their hair. Every year, he did free back to school cuts for kids that couldn't afford it. He would do half price cuts for people who couldn't afford it." - Furlesia Bell, Charlie’s sister.

On the morning of October 14, 2014, Charlie spoke on the phone with his son and visited his mother before work.

Charlie made sure to call his son, Niquel, first thing in the morning, as he did every morning, to wish him a happy birthday and to ask him about his plans for the day. After the phone call with his son, Charlie visited his mother’s home. Before leaving to go to work, he lets his mother know that he would be back later that evening to visit.

"It didn't matter what time you called him what day of the week, if he could help you in any way, he would do it.” - Niguel, Charlie’s son.

Charlie is shot at his barber shop.

After working like he usually did for a few hours, Charlie is approached in the shop and shot by an unidentified suspect around 12:00 pm in his barber shop, Mr. Barber Man, in Montgomery, AL. Authorities arrived within minutes and transported him to a nearby hospital, where he sadly succumbed to his injuries. Authorities believe that the suspect’s motive for murdering Charlie was burglary.

"He put everything into this shop. He worked hard and built it from the ground up and it was just his pride and joy. He struggled to get his own business and he started working at other businesses cutting hair, other barber shops until he got his own. I really don't understand why anyone would want to do such a thing to him." - Keon McCord, Charlie’s brother.
Mr. Barber Man, Charlie's barber shop where he was shot.

New information is released.

In April of 2015, a picture of the suspect in Charlie’s murder is released by Crime Stoppers. The image, which was taken from a nearby business’ surveillance camera, shows a male walking in the area of the barber shop on the morning of Charlie’s murder. Authorities also share their belief that this individual made contact with Charlie prior to his murder.

Authorities are trying to identify this man, who is believed to have interacted with Charlie on the day of his murder.

Where the case stands today.

In August of 2022, Crime Stoppers releases yet another photo, an image of a vehicle that authorities believe is connected to Charlie’s murder. Authorities hope that by releasing these images, someone with information will come forward to solve Charlie’s case.

Police are looking for this car in connection with Charlie's murder.

Today, it has been 8 years since Charlie was shot and killed in his Montgomery, AL barber shop. If you have any information, please contact the Montgomery Police Department at (334) 625-2831 or Central Alabama Crime Stoppers at (334) 215-STOP (7867). There is a $5,000 reward being offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the individual(s) responsible for Charlie’s death.

"We just need everyone's help. We need to get closure for our family and if they are able to help that, then that's what we need to do." - Furlesia Bell, Charlie’s sister.


  1. Date of Death:October 14, 2014
  2. Birthday:November 14, 1978
  3. Age at Incident:35
  4. Race:African-American / Black
  5. Gender:Male

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