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Unidentified Person

1981 Pasco County John Doe


Can you help identify this John Doe?

  • Last updated: April 14, 2023
  • Dade City, FL
  • February 2, 1981

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Overview of 1981 Pasco County John Doe

The decedent was located in wooded area in a dry ditch between US 98 and railroad tracks, near Tuskeegee Avenue in Dade City by a pair of boys. Lead isotope testing indicated the man was likely born in the United States and appeared to be most consistant with a Florida origin. Previous investigation revealed the man could have been from North Carolina and used the names "Dakota" or "Kenneth Salnang."

Estimated Date of Death: 5-12 Months Prior State of Remains: Skeletal Cause of Death: Unknown

Dentals:Available. Tooth 8 had root tip remaining, covered with bone. Possibly chewed tobacco due to teeth condition. Lingual Tori located lingually to tooth 22. Severe generalized periodontitis with bone loss on tooth 18 and 19. Teeth 1, 7, 12, 21, 27 fallen out postmortem. Fingerprints: Not available DNA: Available

Clothing: Blue/black pants, inseam 30 with red stitching in crotch; 27 inch white belt, with two extra holes and metal buckle secured with cooper wire; black cloth/mesh baseball style hat, one green, heavy knit sock, and one yellow, fine/light sock. Brown ankle high, leather shoes with white shoe strings, tied in right hand bow. Soles worn less on heels. Jewelry: Unknown Additional Personal Items: Two small keys on a string were tied to the man's belt. One was a brass “Master” key and the other was a small metal key for an inexpensive padlock. In his pockets were buttons and five quarters. Two were dated 1965, two were dated 1967 and one dated 1974. A plastic fertilizer/feed bag and two small foil/plastic bags believed to be for the purpose of containing tobacco were also found at the scene.

The Doe Network Case Number: 1324UMFL


  1. Date Found:February 2, 1981
  2. NAMUS Number:2307
  3. Race:White with possibly Native American admixture
  4. Gender:Male
  5. Height:5'10"
  6. Weight:Unknown
  7. Hair Color:Unknown
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