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Suzanne Lyall

Do you know what happened to Suzanne?

  • Last updated: April 19, 2023
  • Albany, NY
  • March 2, 1998

Overview of Suzanne Lyall

On the evening of March 2, 1998, Suzanne left from her job at a local mall to walk to the bus stop. She is believed to have boarded the bus and was last seen around 9:45 p.m. getting off the bus at Collins Circle in the center of the SUNY-Albany uptown campus heading towards her dorm room. She never arrived at her dorm room and has not been heard from since. She has a mole on her left cheek, moles on her arms, and a mole on her back. She also has pierced ears and a scar on her left foot. Her nickname is Suzy.


  1. Date Missing:March 2, 1998
  2. Age at Incident:19
  3. NAMUS Number:MP2
  4. Race:White / Caucasian
  5. Gender:Female
  6. Height:5' 3"
  7. Weight:175 lbs
  8. Hair Color:Brown
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