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OCEAN CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT PRESS RELEASE DATE: October 22, 2018 CASE: 18-32049 INCIDENT: Missing Person DATE/TIME OCCURRED: October 22, 2018 @ 9:30pm On October 20, 2018 the Ocean City Police Department received a report of a missing person Samuel J...
Our cold case database is in danger of no longer being maintained.
OCEAN CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT PRESS RELEASE DATE: October 22, 2018 CASE: 18-32049 INCIDENT: Missing Person DATE/TIME OCCURRED: October 22, 2018 @ 9:30pm
On October 20, 2018 the Ocean City Police Department received a report of a missing person Samuel J. DeLarso. DeLarso was last seen by family members at his residence in the early morning hours of Saturday October 20th before leaving his residence to go crabbing. His vehicle was located in Ocean City parked on W. Newcastle Road. DeLarso is described as a 53 year old white male, 5’10” tall, 200lbs., wearing blue jeans, a button down shirt and waders. DeLarso resides on 2nd Street in Somers Point.
A search of the waters in the area Delarso went missing was conducted by the United States Coast Guard, New Jersey State Police Marine Unit, Cape May County Prosecutors Office and the Ocean City Police Department. This case remains under investigation by the Ocean City Police Department and Cape May County Prosecutors Office.
OFFICER PREPARING PRESS RELEASE: Det. Sergeant Stephen Sullivan Ocean City Police Department Questions concerning this press release should be referred to the officer preparing the release at (609-399-9111). ssullivan@ocnj.us (Information retrieved from NamUs.gov)
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