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Nachida Chandara


Nachida Chandara, who goes by the nickname "Nacho," was last seen by her family at her home in the area of South 67th Avenue and West Lower Buckeye Road on 3/14/07 at approximately 1000 hours. Nachida is of Laotian descent. Investigation has shown that N...

  • Last updated: August 12, 2019
  • Detroit, MI
  • May 17, 2007

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Overview of Nachida Chandara

Nachida Chandara, who goes by the nickname "Nacho," was last seen by her family at her home in the area of South 67th Avenue and West Lower Buckeye Road on 3/14/07 at approximately 1000 hours. Nachida is of Laotian descent. Investigation has shown that Nachida was last known to be in Detroit, Michigan in May 2007 but using the name "Lisa Tran."

Nachida uses the following aliases:

Lisa Lang Tran Lisa Marie Tran Sonny Somsamouth (Information retrieved from NamUs.gov)


  1. Date Missing:May 17, 2007
  2. Age at Incident:15
  3. NAMUS Number:MP8705
  4. Race:Asian
  5. Gender:Female
  6. Height:62
  7. Weight:120
  8. Hair Color:Black
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