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Unidentified Person

June 1980 Torrance, CA John Doe


Can you help identify this John Doe?

  • Last updated: April 16, 2023
  • Torrance, CA
  • June 14, 1980

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Overview of June 1980 Torrance, CA John Doe

The decedent was found at 1131 Van Ness Avenue in Torrance, California in front of an amabdoned vehicle st the rear of a building. He was known as the "Rag Man" while he was alive.

Estimated Date of Death: Recent State of Remains: Recognizable face Cause of Death: Unknown

Dentals: Available. No upper teeth. Fingerprints: Available. DNA: Unknown.

Clothing: Grey jacket; blue Levi jeans; long sleeve blue shirt, size 10; blue and white socks; brown shoes. Jewelry: Unknown Additional Personal Items: Unknown

The Doe Network Case Number: 3229UMCA


  1. Date Found:June 14, 1980
  2. NAMUS Number:4378
  3. Race:Caucasian / White
  4. Gender:Male
  5. Height:5'7" to 5'10"
  6. Weight:148 lbs.
  7. Hair Color:Gray
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