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Diocela Espino-Simpson


A woman leaves work early and is found dead in her apartment hours later by her roommate

  • Last updated: September 18, 2023
  • Denver, CO
  • December 6, 1974

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Overview of Diocela Espino-Simpson

22-year-old Diocela Espino-Simpson had moved to Colorado from the state of Texas and resided in Denver for two years. During this time frame, Diocela and her roommate worked as seamstresses at Gerry's Sporting Goods store. On December 6, 1974, Diocela left work early and went home. When her roommate came home later that day, she found Diocela dead inside of their apartment. Anyone with information regarding this case, is asked to please contact the Denver Police Department.


  1. Date of Death:December 6, 1974
  2. Birthday:January 20, 1952
  3. Age at Incident:22
  4. Race:White / Caucasian
  5. Gender:Female
  6. Hair Color:Strawberry Blonde
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