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Barbara Lenz


Barbara was last seen in Harrison County, Iowa on May 6, 1989. At the time of her disappearance, her mother was hospitalized and Barbara visited her every day. When she did not visit her mother for two days in a row, her mother sent relatives to check Barb...

  • Last updated: March 14, 2019
  • Woodbine, IA
  • May 6, 1989

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Overview of Barbara Lenz

Barbara was last seen in Harrison County, Iowa on May 6, 1989. At the time of her disappearance, her mother was hospitalized and Barbara visited her every day. When she did not visit her mother for two days in a row, her mother sent relatives to check Barbara's residence. They found her coffee pot half-full and switched on inside her home, her laundry half-folded, and Barbara's keys and purse left there. She has never been heard from again. Investigators believe Barbara was taken against her will. Her case remains unsolved. (Information retrieved from NamUs.gov)


  1. Date Missing:May 6, 1989
  2. Age at Incident:31
  3. NAMUS Number:MP5423
  4. Race:White / Caucasian
  5. Gender:Female
  6. Height:67
  7. Weight:130
  8. Hair Color:Brown
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