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Unidentified Person

2001 Skagit County John Doe


Can you help identify this John Doe?

  • Last updated: March 16, 2023
  • Concrete , WA
  • March 21, 2001

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Overview of 2001 Skagit County John Doe

The victim was found in the woods near Rasar State Park on Cape Horn Road. The body was discovered March 21 by a man picking mushrooms. The body was found about a quarter mile from the road, near a hay field -- an area occasionally used by people looking for a secluded spot.

The baggy style of pants and tennis shoes, together with a lack of dental work, lead police to think the victim might have been fairly young, possibly in his mid-20s or 30s. Police reviewed records from the two businesses whose cards were in the man's possession. This hasn't opened up any leads in the case.

Estimated Date of Death: September 1 to December 30, 2000 State of Remains: Skeletal with partial mummification Cause of Death: Homicide by a gunshot to the head

Dentals: Available. No dental work. Fingerprints: Not available DNA: Available

Clothing: Calvin Klein pants inside Structure denims. Both pairs of jeans have a 34-inch waist and a 32-inch inseam. The cuffs of the jeans were not rolled up, and a 32-inch inseam would be too long for a man about 5 feet 6 inches tall. A gray long-sleeve Echo Unlimited shirt. The shirt was part of the fall 2000 line of Ecko Unlimited Co., a hip-hop clothing company based in New Jersey. The medium-size, long-sleeve, button-down, gray polyester dress shirt has the Ecko rhinoceros logo on the bottom of the breast pocket. The company logo also appears on a red tag at the top of the pocket. The shirt features a pattern of drawings of athletes in competition. It probably sold for about $60. He was also wearing size 8 1/2 white All Star brand tennis shoes with Nike socks, and a 1 1/2-inch-wide brown leather belt with a simple silver buckle. Jewelry: Unknown Additional Personal Items: Five $100 bills in his front shirt pocket, but no wallet. He also had a single key on a key ring with nail clippers. two deteriorated business cards from the Yellow Cab company and the Mark II Motel in Burlington were also in the man's pockets.

The Doe Network Case Number: 361UMWA


  1. Date Found:March 21, 2001
  2. NAMUS Number:10533
  3. Race:Hispanic and/or Asian
  4. Gender:Male
  5. Height:5'5" to 5'7"
  6. Weight:130 to 180 lbs
  7. Hair Color:Black
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