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Unidentified Person

1992 Milford, New Haven County, Connecticut John Doe


Can you help identify this John Doe?

  • Last updated: March 6, 2023
  • Milford, CT
  • August 21, 1992

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Overview of 1992 Milford, New Haven County, Connecticut John Doe

A couple stolling through the woods off of Oronoque Road in Milford discovered the skeletal remains of the decedent by railroad tracks. His body was wrapped in a pink blanket, an olive drab colored blanket and two green plastic garbage bags. The remains were 90% skeletonized. Four small caliber gray metal bullets were recovered. The man was killed elswewhere. Investigators believe he was not from the local area.

Identifiers Dentals: Available. X-rays and photographs available. All teeth including third molars have erupted. No cavities, restorations or abnormalities are identified. The incisors do not have a shovel appearance. Fingerprints:Not available. DNA: Available. Clothing & Personal Items Clothing: Long sleeve buttoned shirt with logo "Forever" on the left chest pocket, Fruit of the Loom vest-type undershirt (size XL 14-16), denim pants, brown belt with yellow metal buckle, and Fruit of the Loom white jockey underwear (size 30-32). Jewelry: Unknown Additional Personal Items: Unknown


  1. Date Found:August 21, 1992
  2. NAMUS Number:9242
  3. Race:Asian
  4. Gender:Male
  5. Height:5'5" to 5'6"
  6. Weight:120-130 lbs.
  7. Hair Color:Black
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