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Unidentified Person

1977 Granby, Hartford County, Connecticut John Doe


Can you help identify this John Doe?

  • Last updated: March 6, 2023
  • Granby, CT
  • September 5, 1977

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Overview of 1977 Granby, Hartford County, Connecticut John Doe

The victim was found on the side of Enders Road in Enders State Forest. Identifiers Dentals: Available. Some missing and chipped teeth. Fingerprints: Available. DNA: Available. Clothing & Personal Items Clothing: White knit long sleeved button down shirt with patterns of rust and green buildings blue rectangular structures, brown motorvehicles, and people dressed in various styles (size medium) and yellow Levi corduroy pants (size medium), and a white T shirt with "FERGUSON" printed on it. No shoes or socks found on deceased or in the area. Jewelry: Unknown Additional Personal Items: Unknown


  1. Date Found:September 5, 1977
  2. NAMUS Number:10037
  3. Race:Caucasian / White
  4. Gender:Male
  5. Height:5'7"
  6. Weight:140 lbs.
  7. Hair Color:Black/brown with blond roots, worn in a pony tail. 4" braided goatee and thin medium mustache.
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