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Ellabeth Lodermeier


Ellabeth was last seen at her house in Sioux Falls by her estranged husband on March 6, 1974. When she didn’t show up for work the next day, her estranged husband and co-workers went to the home to check on her. They found the house locked and Ellabeth’s...

  • Last updated: May 15, 2019
  • Sioux Falls, SD
  • March 6, 1974

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Overview of Ellabeth Lodermeier

Ellabeth was last seen at her house in Sioux Falls by her estranged husband on March 6, 1974. When she didn’t show up for work the next day, her estranged husband and co-workers went to the home to check on her. They found the house locked and Ellabeth’s car in the driveway. Inside the home, they found cooking flour spilled on the floor and a partially eaten pizza. There were no signs of a struggle or anything missing except her purse and jacket.

In September 1974, Ellabeth’s credit cards were found at a bus depot in Canada. In April 1992, a farmer found an old bag along the Big Sioux River near Highway 42 with Ellabeth’s wallet and checkbook inside. (Information retrieved from NamUs.gov)


  1. Date Missing:March 6, 1974
  2. Age at Incident:25
  3. NAMUS Number:MP8614
  4. Race:White / Caucasian
  5. Gender:Female
  6. Height:61
  7. Weight:105
  8. Hair Color:Brown
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