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Christopher Bush


Did somebody abduct 2-year-old Christopher Bush?

  • Last updated: May 19, 2023
  • Philadelphia, PA
  • April 5, 1975

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Overview of Christopher Bush

Christopher Bush was two years old when he vanished from Philadelphia, PA. He was with his babysitter on April 5, 1975, who took him out of her maroon 1966 Ford station wagon. By 10:00 a.m. she parked the car while Christopher was still inside.

Upon her return, ten minutes later, Christopher was gone, leaving behind only his hat. It remains unknown if the car was unlocked and Christopher exited on his own or if he was abducted.

Christopher is described as a two-year-old black male. He was wearing a blue denim coat with a white fur collar and light blue corduroy pants. He has black hair and brown eyes.


  1. Date Missing:April 5, 1975
  2. Age at Incident:2
  3. NAMUS Number:MP81424
  4. Race:African-American / Black
  5. Gender:Male
  6. Height:2'5"-2"10
  7. Weight:40 lbs
  8. Hair Color:Black
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