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Unidentified Person

1999 Dallas County John Doe


Can you help identify this John Doe?

  • Last updated: March 22, 2023
  • March 28, 1999

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Overview of 1999 Dallas County John Doe

On March 28, 1999 human skeletal remains were located on Hwy 80 East in Dallas County.

Estimated Date of Death: Unknown State of Remains: Not recognizable - Near complete or complete skeleton. Cause of Death: Unknown

Dentals: Unknown Fingerprints: Unknown DNA: Unknown

Clothing: Decedent was clothed in largely deteriorated dark t-shirt (possibly dark green). Overlaying the t-shirt is a red and blue plaid long sleeve shirt, brand name "Timberline," size XL. This is a quilted shirt with white synthetic fiber filler, both sleeves were rolled above the elbows. Overlying this is a black zipper outer jacket made of synthetic material. Epaulet straps are on each of the shoulders. Underpants, brand name "Fruit of the Loom." Trousers made of black synthetic material with no legible label. White woven pair of socks. Two decorated dress sport shoes of the lace type, brand name "Rockport/Fibram", no detectible size Jewelry: Unknown Additional Personal Items: Six pieces of apparent wallet insert. One piece of plastic which bears an image transfer. The image is digitally captured and enhanced revealing two images of white male and printing which appears to be that of a driver's license, possibly from the state of Ohio from the 1990's. (see images). In the right pocket of the trousers were twenty-seven unfired 25 caliber cartridges. Also in the right front pocket of the pants was a deteriorated pack of cigarettes consisting of seven filters and the remaining clear plastic wrapper. Near the body was found one 25 caliber auto R&B Industries model Fraser semi-auto pistol with the serial number 001740, with the magazine inserted containing three (3) unfired Remington brand cartridges. Two fired cartridge casings were also found near the decedent.

The Doe Network Case Number: 3865UMAL


  1. Date Found:March 28, 1999
  2. NAMUS Number: 86868
  3. Race:White
  4. Gender:Male
  5. Height:5'7" to 5'8"
  6. Weight:Unknown
  7. Hair Color:Gray or Partially Gray
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