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Unidentified Person

1997 Jefferson County John Doe

Can you help identify this John Doe?

  • Last updated: March 21, 2023
  • Birmingham, AL
  • November 1, 1997

Overview of 1997 Jefferson County John Doe

Employees of O'Neal Steel discovered the decedent's decomposing remains while unloading steel beams from a railroad car. The railroad car was loaded at Northwestern Steel and Wire Company in Sterling, IL on 9/29/1997 and had been sitting on the O'Neal Steel lot since approximately 10/28/1997.

Estimated Date of Death: Days prior State of Remains: Not recognizable - Decomposing/putrefaction Cause of Death: Unknown

Dentals: Unknown Fingerprints: Unknown DNA: Unknown

Clothing: Green short sleeve Jantzen knit shirt, empty left breast pocket; Pertex slacks with cuffed pants legs, empty pockets, size 34; white briefs, size 34; heavy, dark work shoes, "oil and chemical resistant" written on the soles, size unknown; aqua colored socks. Jewelry: Unknown Additional Personal Items: Unknown

The Doe Network Case Number  3470UMAL


  1. Date Found:November 1, 1997
  2. NAMUS Number:15001
  3. Race:Black / African American
  4. Gender:Male
  5. Height:5'8"
  6. Weight:123 lbs.
  7. Hair Color:Black
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