At Uncovered, we’re building a community around collective impact on cold cases. That includes supporting further education to develop citizen detective skills. Beyond the resources, we’re cultivating, we’re announcing an event series to introduce you to other citizen solvers, digital volunteers, and citizen detectives. You can learn from each other and share tactics to uncover answers in cold cases.
This ongoing event series will kick off with an introduction of a Citizen Detective currently working on a case. You’ll hear about how they got started, the tools they use, and the case (or cases) they’re working on. We’ll be introducing you to all types of people working to use their skills to uncover answers, from podcasters and researchers to family advocates and policy advocates. The common thread that they started just like you—interested in helping, using their skills, and always wanting to learn.
We’re keeping each event small, so you have the chance to ask questions and share insights with each other.

Check out our past events

What is a Citizen Detective: True Crime P.I.
Dana Poll of True Crime P.I., shares her experiences in making the leap from a librarian working on cold case research in her spare time for more than a dozen years, to a podcaster focusing her efforts on missing and unidentified cold cases from the 70s, 80s and 90s. As well as answering any questions you have, the discussion will include Dana’s tireless work to potentially identify one of the unnamed victims of the most prolific serial killer, Samuel Little.

What is a Citizen Detective: Cults, Crimes, and Cabernet
Whitney and Melissa of Cults, Crimes & Cabernet, share their experiences in full-time roles as professionals, mothers, wine enthusiasts, as well as podcasters focused on telling the untold stories of cases across all fifty states. Their creative approach, spurred by social distancing in the pandemic, has allowed them to hone their skills and use research and storytelling resources in unique ways. Whitney and Melissa’s work to cross-cross the country bringing awareness and a fight for justice for those that cannot fight themselves in their storytelling efforts. Their most recent podcast road trip took them to Texas to cover the case of Brandon Lawson in an in-depth 2-part series.

What is a Citizen Detective: Crime of Your Life
Jacob of Crime of Your Life shares how his interest in unsolved and obscure criminal cases led to his podcast focus, and through researching for the show he realized that a lot more information exists in unsolved murders and missing persons cases than what the public can actually see right in front of them. As well as answering questions you have, the discussion will include Jacob’s quest to find answers in the unsolved abduction and murder of Melissa Witt. Currently working as case captain and moderator in the Uncovered digital workspace for Melissa’s case; Jacob will share his personal connection to her story and his work to ensure that one day it is solved—hopefully with your help.

What is a Citizen Detective: Kate K. | OSINT
Kate K. is an intelligence analyst, focused on dark web, physical security, and social media investigations. Trained in open source intelligence (OSINT), Kate is a member of the Uncovered community and she uses her training in collecting information from published or otherwise publicly available sources on cold case research. Kate will share best practices for OSINT and how she’s used it to find information about cases near her hometown of Buffalo, New York. Join us to learn about her process, and share cases that have us stumped to crowdsource new leads and learn alternative methods for research.

Do you have topics you want to see covered? Let us know.